4 oz London broil
Salt and pepper
3/4 cup Trader Joe's frozen Mushroom Medley
1 Tbsp A1
1 Tbsp Dijon mustard
1/2 Tbsp sherry vinegar
1/2 Tbsp honey
1/2 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 bag mixed greens

Turn on broiler and line with foil
Season steak on both sides with salt and pepper. Put in broiler and cook 2-3 minutes per side depending on how well done you like it
While steak is cooking, heat a non stick skillet over medium high heat. Add frozen mushrooms and saute 2-3 minutes, until heated through
Remove steak from broiler and let rest while you make the dressing
In a small container, whisk together A1, Dijon, sherry vinegar, honey, and olive oil
Put mixed greens in a salad bowl. Top with mushrooms. Slice steak and add to salad. Drizzle with A1 dressing
Total Time- 9:15
Protein- 30g
Fat- 17g
Carbs- 18g