All small group classes are held at our studio in Chelsea and are capped at 6 people.
250 W. 26th St, Suite 202
*buzz SCFit and walk up the stairs to the 2nd floor, we are the first door on the right
This is our core class and is a mixture of strength and conditioning. We use barbells, squat racks, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, jump ropes, rowing machines, ski erg, Echo bike, and bodyweight exercises.
Current schedule is
Monday- 6, 7, 8, 9am, and 12pm
Tuesday- 12pm
Wednesday- 6, 7, 8, 9am, and 12pm
Thursday- 12pm (Mobility/Stability)
Friday- 6, 7, 8, 9am, and 12pm
Olympic Lifting
This is an Olympic lifting technique class held on Saturdays at 9am. All levels are welcome.
This is a Pilates based session held on Thursdays at 12pm and Saturdays at 10am. I consider this an injury prevention session. We do a little bit of mobility, then some stability and movement correctives.
Open Gym
Do your own thing! This is an opportunity to make up a workout that you missed or do accessory/skill work.
I am typically training private clients and unavailable to answer questions/coach during these hours, so I use an app called TrueCoach to write individual programming for anyone signed up. The app is great and each movement has a video attached.
Current Schedule-
Monday: 10am-12pm
Tuesday: 6am-12pm
Wednesday: 10am-12pm
Thursday: 7am-12pm
Friday: 10am-12pm